What's Happening

Korea more popular than ever and ready for WTM

  • Date11/02/2016
  • Hit116192

The Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO - visitkorea.or.kr) is exhibiting once again at World Travel Market – London the flagship event in the exhibition calendar, as part of its strategy to help it reach its global visitor target of 16 million tourists.

The big news this year is two-fold; firstly, the announcement and our involvement in the ‘Visit East Asia Campaign’ that was recently announced by China, Japan and Korea. Following a meeting by their respective Tourism Ministers earlier this year, the London offices of the China National Tourist Office, The Japan National Tourism Organisation and the Korea Tourism Organisation are already creating new collaborative products and will work on joint cruise marketing initiatives to co-promote the region next year.

Secondly, we are just over one year away from hosting the ‘Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics’ and this will be a key focus as we move into 2017 and move towards this global event.

Korea has now become a trendy and enthralling destination amongst an eager and savvy travelling public ready to visit the country. KTO will showcase how exciting and dynamic the destination is and help the travel trade build the best products it can to travellers so that they can experience some of the most fascinating heritage and culture Korea offers. Our major travel trade partners will be on hand to do business and help to promote the country.

KTO will welcome new partners to our stand for WTM 2016; these include the Korea Association of Travel Agents; OME Cooking Lab; NEXGEN Biotechnologies; a specialized DMZ Spy Tour company and representatives of Seoul & Gyeongsangbuk-do regional tourism departments.

 “Our primary function at WTM is to be a platform for our partners to do business and with the Korea’s global and growing popularity, it’s a great opportunity for KTO to take advantage of the traffic, promotional opportunities and lucrative partnerships that will be forged during this event” explains Mr. Seunghyun Hwang, Director, KTO.

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For further information please contact: Mr. Ramy Salameh/ Tel: 020 7321 2535

Email: london@gokorea.co.uk