What's Happening

Pyeongchang 2018 technology to astound audiences

  • Date12/22/2016
  • Hit153394

Imagine being able to see what an Olympic Bobsleigh athlete experiences, as he twists and turns down the course, whilst watching their heart rate rise and fall. Or indeed to get a sense of the elevation, descent and perspective from the point-of-view of a Ski Jumper? And, as a viewer having the ability to watch an event from multiple angles 360 degrees or see your favourite star in holographic form when they are being interviewed after a race?


With the recent announcements from Korean Telecommunications Company KT and rival SK Telecoms about the intent to launch “5G” technology during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in February 2018, all of this will be possible. This global sporting event will be a unique platform in a unique region within one of the world’s most technologically advanced countries to initiate the 5G services and show consumers what the future of wireless communications holds.


To put into perspective the potential of 5G, film download speeds will move from 30 seconds currently, down to 0.8 of a second, and the ‘bytes per second’ speeds will rise from 500Mbps to 20Gbps.


This new technology blurs the line between what is real and what is computer-generated by enhancing what we see, hear and feel. So if you wish to be ahead of the game and cannot wait to be part of the Pyeongchang experience, then you can visit the region during January – April 2017 and witness some of the world’s best winter sports athletes compete in a series of test events.



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For further information please contact: Mr. Ramy Salameh/ Tel: 020 7321 2535

Email: london@gokorea.co.uk