What's Happening

Press Release March 2003 - 2003 Gyeongju World Culture Expo

  • Date03/13/2003
  • Hit7448
2003 Gyeongju World Culture Expo

Between August 13 – October 23 the cultural expo will take place in Gyeongju’s Bomun Lake Resort. The theme of the expo will come under the banner of ‘Dreams of the Flying Horse’, incorporating legends, culture and technology for a future led by our dreams and senses. A variety of events will take place during the expo, such as, re-enactment of the traditional markets of Silla Kingdom and also street festivals that will bring together the citizens of Gyeongju. www.cuktureexpo.or.kr

Universiade 2003 Daegu - August 21-31, 2003

The main theme of the Universiade is a sports festival for world university students to be held in Daegu. The Daegu Universiade will be an environmentally friendly cultural event in harmony with nature and technology, transcending all the boundaries and differences that have divided the world. www.universiade-daegu.org

Blind Date April 5th – Contestants Visit Korea

On Saturday 5th April 2003 Blind Date – ITV’s hugely popular game show will feature Korea as a prize destination chosen by a couple looking for love. The contestants tried their hand at making ceramic pottery, experienced Buddhist Temple life and practised the art of Taekwondo in Seoul. So tune in on 5th April to find out if love blossomed in the ‘land of the morning clam’.

International Convention Centre Jeju Opens in March, 2003

The ICC will open its doors on the 25th March 2003, to host major international conventions, assemblies, lectures, galleries, concerts and sports events. The convention has many positive aspects in it’s favour, such as, location on Jeju Island that has easy access by air and top class hotels making it a great arena for hosting large scale international events.

The convention centre is comprised of seven levels, two underground and five above, In preparation for hosting world class events, ICC includes simultaneous translation system and visual system. For more information go to www.iccjeju.co.kr.