What's Happening


  • Date07/15/2003
  • Hit7499
KNTO holds online campaign with promotions to reactivate stagnant tourism market as a result of SAR.

To stimulate the Korean tourism market affected by SARS and North Korea’s nuclear issue, The Korea National Tourism Organization is holding an online campaign with promotions for its top three markets.

The theme for July is 'healthy Korea' with an image of 'kimchi', 'Dynamic Korea' for september, and 'Fun Korea' or 'Ski Korea' will be for November.

Each seasonal campaign includes a promotion with various free gifts. KNTO plans to build an image of Korea as a safe and attractive country while reaffirming the reputation of Tour2Korea.com as the nation’s premier and most comprehensive website on tourism.

T2K was set up and re-edited with hotels, flights, performances, and tourism packages, online shopping, discount coupons and more.

Inquiry : Tel. +82 2 7299 321
Director, Hong Eunmee
e-marketing Team, KNTO