What's Happening

Press Release October 2003 - Travel Package Search, Shoppers Paradise.

  • Date10/13/2003
  • Hit6822
The Korea National Tourism Organization has developed and put into service a programme which enables travellers planning or already on a trip in Korea to search and compare domestic travel packages. Visitors can connect to tour2korea.com under ‘Bookings and guides’ and select dates, areas, themes and then make reservations online. This is a great way to find the perfect tour at the best price. Whilst in tour2korea.com take not of special discounts sponsored by travel agencies and other travel related firms and remember to sign up for the various prize giveaway events. For more information contact e-Marketing Team, KNTO –Tel: 0082-2-729-9321.

Shoppers Paradise – Chungju Traditional Market Tour Train

Calling all Shoppers!! Travel by train to the Chungcheongbuk-do Province and visit the Chungju traditional marketplace. On days that end with 0 or 5, the market opens so wake-up early and climb aboard the Chungju traditional market tour train from Seoul. A maze of narrow alleyways is transformed into a hive of trading activity. Merchants are selling home-grown fruits and vegetables from fields and private gardens. It is an opportunity to be part of traditional Korean life past and present. The tour train costs a maximum of £20 and includes a number of tourist sites and traditional martial art display. For more information contact Hong-ik Travel Agency - Tel: 0082-2-717-1002

Travel Jeju-do with one ticket on the Trolley Bus

‘The Trolley Bus’ has started operation on Jeju Island and provides tours of the entire Island. An elegantly designed limousine bus, will allow you to enjoy the best sites Jeju Island has to offer, in style and comfort. The bus leaves from major Jeju Hotels and embarks on a tour of either western or eastern Jeju-do. The western tour travels includes all the main tourist sites on that side of the Island and a ferry ride for a fantastic view of the Island’s shore. The eastern tour takes in a theme park and the majestic Sangumburi Crater, famous for its volcanic land formations. Ticket prices range from £9 per adult for one-day through to £20 for three-days. For more information contact Tour Bus Travel – Tel: 1544-4118