What's Happening

WTM 2004 Destination Korea Press Release - Stand AS2200

  • Date10/28/2004
  • Hit8221
Annyeong-haseyo, (Hello)

Korea has come on leaps and bounds since co-hosting the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea & Japan. Stand AS2200 is where we are situated and this year we have maintained our stand size from last years show. This is a clear indication of our growing confidence in the Korean tourism industry. To compliment this, our stand has been designed and built in Korea specifically for WTM 2004.

Our relationship with Japan and other North East Asian neighbours is strengthening day-by-day, as we see combining our strengths as a positive way forward. During WTM 2004 Korea, China & Japan will be standing side by side, with stands next to each other, to promote our region.

Korea is a unique destination and our focus this year is on ‘Stopovers’ & ‘cultural niche marketing’, through programmes that encapsulate Korean tourism, such as Taekwondo and Templestay experiences. In fact, the Korea National Tourism Organization (KNTO) is arranging to invite specialist practitioners of the martial art ‘Taekwondo’ to be present throughout the show. They will be wandering about Excel in their Taekwondo suits waiting to pounce so be on your guard!

Korea has invested heavily in their convention facilities and major events are being attracted to our destination to cater for their every need. In fact we have already had a ‘Meetings & Incentive Buffet Evening’ in October 2004 and will be aiming to take some VIP’s on a site inspection in Spring 2005. So don’t hesitate to come and pick-up our Meetings & Incentive information during the show.

Finally, we are proud to welcome our new Director of KNTO London office Mr. S H Na, who is attending World Travel Market for the very first time and will be waiting on stand AS2200 to welcome you to Korea!

Gamsa-hamnida! (Thank you)