What's Happening

Press Release November 2004 - 2004 PGA Tour Jeju Island

  • Date11/03/2004
  • Hit9192
2004 PGA Tour Shinhan Korea Golf Championship

Meet the world's top golfers in Jeju-do Island! The "2004 PGA Tour Shinhan Korea Golf Championship" will take place at the Jungman Golf Club for a week from November 22 - 28. Thirty-six stars from nine countries will take part in this PGA Tour tournament. Among the stars are Nick Faldo, Padraig Harrington and Choi Gyeong-ju; all will be showing world class skills at the first Asian official tour tournament. PGA is managing the tournament and the co-sponsors are Korea National Tourism Organization (KNTO) and B. H Team of the U.S. Global media companies such as NBC TV, Star Sports and ESPN will be covering the tournament. For more information go to tour2korea.com or email: colpamia@mail.knto.or.kr

Opening of the Korea Entertainment Hall of Fame

Come to the Korea Entertainment Hall of Fame and discover everything about Korean entertainers. Opened last September, the basement of KNTO head office has been transformed into an entertainment publicity centre enabling fans from overseas to learn about Korea's popular culture. The hall is interactive and visitors can be photographed with life size figures, view Korean movies, photos, clips of TV dramas or listen to Korean songs. The hall has several sections covering all parts of entertainment memorabilia. Contact editor@mail.knto.or.kr

2004 Korea Tourism Investment Forum

In an effort to investigate ways of providing incentives for investment in Korean tourism industries, the Korea National Tourism Organization is hosting the '2004 Korea Tourism Investment Forum' on November 23 & 24 in the Lotte Hotel Jungman Resort, Jeju-do Island. With over 150 Korean and overseas investors expected to attend, the forum will be a good opportunity to introduce Korea and provide practical investment advice to participants. The forum will cover discussions on a plethora of topics about investment. More information go to Korea Tourism Investment Centre, KNTO Tel: 0082-2-729-9610 or email shinhs@mail.knto.or.kr