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'Register on VisitKorea.or.kr Prize Draw Competition Winners' 1 Aug – 30 Sep 2008

  • Date10/09/2008
  • Hit8971

Congratulations to everyone who had the chance to participate in our 'Register on VisitKora.or.kr' prize draw competition. The winners are listed below:

1st Prize Winners: 1 x return airline ticket to Korea

Jaime Albardiaz

Yvette Hawkins

2nd Prize Winners: 1 x Korean porcelain table clock (hand painted)

Michael Soter

Ricky Batra

3rd Prize Winners: 1 x Business Card Box Holder

David Ho

Pamela Hunter

4th Prize Winners: 1 x Traditional Korean Fan
Simon Nesbitt

June Arnold

Neil Stent

Andre Duffey

Betty CHIM

Harriet Marchant

Lucy Pickard

Peter Hay

Alex Flowers

Andrew Humphrey

Philip Ramsden

Rosemary Walker

Ian McLean

Kim Gisborne

Annie Chim

Lin Yee Tan

Simeon Banner

Anna Rothwell

Chow Wei Thing

Hayley Mort