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Korea is a £pound stretcher

  • Date01/22/2009
  • Hit10176

Whilst Korea has always been a relatively cheap destination to visit, it is one of the few places around the world where the pound still goes a long way. This has been highlighted by MSN Travel who have selected 12 destinations around the globe where UK travellers can make their money go further

‘Sterling Destinations: places in the world where the pound is still strong’
Ross Chainey - MSN TRavel

‘’If the rising yen has scuppered your plans to visit Japan, set your compass for South Korea instead. Compared with Japanese and Chinese cities nearby, the lively and pleasant South Korean capital, Seoul, is dirt cheap. Street food costs between £1 and £4, and a room at a good hotel around £60. You will also see very few tourists outside Seoul, where prices are even lower; take a high-speed train to Busan, in the south, for just £30. (Just remember to take your phrase book with you.)’’

Why not consider visiting one of Korea’s most visually appealing festivals of the year – The Lotus Lantern Festival, April 24-26, 2009 – and immerse yourself in a wave of lotus lanterns of all shapes, sizes and colours. Groups of entertainers, exhibitions, parades and a Buddhist street festival come together to celebrate this part of Korean culture.


For more information go to www.LLF.or.kr/eng