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www.koreatraining.co.uk - Korea’s Online Travel Training gets updated!

  • Date07/08/2009
  • Hit8667

Attention all agents!!


The popular Korea training online course for travel professionals has been updated. Koreas latest tourism information has been uploaded and this includes more information on up and coming events such as Formula 1 and the 2011 World Athletics Championships in Daegu. We have also included more information on Jeju Island, our new online reservation system for accommodation, festivals and industrial tourism showcasing Koreas dominance in the manufacturing sector.


We have also changed the name of the training course from Seoul Stopover to Korea Training, representing a growing knowledge and popularity in the destination, thanks in part to you the travel agent. Five modules continue to build your knowledge of the destination and help you to sell the product. So if you have not already, register at www.koreatraining.co.uk, as soon as you can and start learning about Korea. Agents will also be kept updated on UK based events organised by the Korea Tourism Organization and any future familiarization trips we plan.


For more information contact Mr R Salameh on 020 7321 2535 or email him at London@knto.or.kr.