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책갈피 추가

4페이지 내용 없음

책갈피 추가

5페이지 내용 : As Nohae Park described, Korean architecture is no exception. It has witnessed the ups and downs of Korean history, sharing joy and sorrow with its people for thousands of years. Traditional Korean buildings reflect the wisdom and philosophy of life, which is why many of them were designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites and are applauded by people from around the world. Today’s modern buildings create new landscapes in Korean cities, adding diversity to our lives and culture. Meet the modern and unique architectural works of our time as well as valuable ancient architectural relics. Learn their artistic value, historical meaning, and understand the skills of architects and their imaginations. It will be a truly pleasant journey. Old Things Are All Beautiful Time is the hand of a master creating beauty. Just as heaven disciplines those it loves especially through times of trial, whatever endures time survives with a shining face. Poem by Park Nohae, from collection of poems So You Must Not Disappear Slow Walking, 2010

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