Aside area Closed Weather 03-12-2025 Seoul/Gyeonggi-do/Incheon °C F Temperatures high°C low°C SNS LOGIN ExchangeRates TravelCalendar
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close Notice on Gathering Information I hereby agree to the Terms. Chapter I General Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these Terms is to set out the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Korea Tourism Organization and those of the users, and other necessary matters concerning the use of the VisitKorea service ("the Service") provided by the Korea Tourism Organization (“us” or “we,” as the case may be). Article 2 (Effectuation) ① These Terms shall take effect upon our posting a notice of such on the service screen and upon the member’s consenting to them. ② We may amend these Terms in such a way that does not violate the relevant laws (i.e. The Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act; The Telecommunications Business Act; The Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc; The Personal Information Protection Act). ③ In the event of our making an amendment to these Terms, we shall put up a public notice concerning the existing Terms, the amended Terms, the date of application of the amended Terms, and the reason for such amendment on our service homepage for a considerable period of time from 7 days before the application, or for a considerable period of time from 30 days before the application if the amended contents are disadvantageous to members. ④ If a member does not express his/her non-acceptance of the amended Terms within 7 days of the implementation of the amended Terms despite such statement included in our notice of the amended Terms as stated in the foregoing ③, then it shall be deemed that the relevant member has approved the amended Terms. A member’s non-acceptance of the amended Terms may result in termination of the Service use contract under Article 6, Paragraph ① herein. Article 3 (Definitions) The following terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings: ① “Users” refers to persons who use the Service regardless of their membership status. ② “Member” refers to an individual, corporation, or an organization similar to it who has signed a Service use contract with us.. ③ “Non-member” refers to persons who use the Service without signing up for membership.. ④ "Termination” refers to an act of putting a stop to the use of the Service either by the Company or by a member. Chapter II Membership Article 4 (Membership Application) A user may apply for membership online by filling in the sign up form provided by us and expressing his/her consent to these Terms, which shall be approved by us. Article 5 (Change of Member Information) Members may check and edit their member information kept by us at any time through the membership information management screen. Article 6 (Membership Withdrawal and Restriction on Service Use) ① In the event of a member’s withdrawal of his/her Service use contract, we shall delete his/her membership information kept by us under the relevant laws. Those wishing to reapply for membership shall follow the procedure anew. If one of the following is the case, we may suspend the membership status of the person concerned temporarily and refuse to approve his/her reapplication for membership. 1. Provision of false information at the time of membership application; 2. Disturbance of the order in electronic transactions, including hampering others’ use of the Service or fraudulent use of the relevant information; 3. Perpetration of any act intended to disturb the Service, including tampering with the information provided through the Service; 4. Defamation of a specific individual, organization or country, thus causing diplomatic friction; 5. Perpetration of any act prohibited by the law or these Terms or an act that goes against long-established social customs; 6. Violation of Article 11 or 12. ② We reserve the right to withdraw the member’s membership if the person concerned fails to take remedial action after we suspend his/her membership temporarily. Chapter III Service Use Article 7 (Types of Service) The Service shall be divided into the Basic Service and the Ancillary Service, whose respective details shall be fixed separately. Article 8 (Service Hours) ① We shall provide the Service around the clock, except when there is a need to suspend or stop the Service either partially or wholly due to an operational or technological problem, in which case we shall inform the users thereof in advance. ② We may split the Service into certain categories and set the Service hours for each category. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Article 9 (Service Discontinuity) We may change or stop the whole or part of the Service for business/operational/ technical reasons. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Chapter IV Obligations and Responsibilities Article 10 (Our Obligation) ① We shall do our best to provide the Service stably and uninterruptedly and shall not engage in any acts prohibited in these Terms or any acts which violate long-established social customs. ② We shall handle members’ complaints about the Service without delay. When it is difficult to handle a complaint immediately, we shall explain the situation to the member, along with the timetable for its handling. Article 11 (Members’ Obligations) Members shall not engage in the following acts: ① Provision of false information at the time of application; ② Fraudulent use of information on others; ③ Unauthorized tampering with the information provided by us; ④ Transmission or putting up of information, such as computer programs, other than what is provided by us through the Service; ⑤ Infringement of the Company’s or a third party’s intellectual property rights; ⑥ Any act that tarnishes our or a third party’s reputation or disturbs our or a third party’s business; ⑦ Use of obscene or violent messages, images, or voice, or putting up of information that violates long-established social customs on the Service; ⑧ Use of the Service for commercial purposes without our prior consent; ⑨ Other illegal or unjust acts. Article 12 (No Transfer) Members shall not transfer their right to use the Service or their status related to the Service use contract to a third party; nor shall they offer what is stated in the foregoing sentence as collateral. Article 13 (Rights and Responsibilities concerning Contents Used in the Service) ① All rights for the relevant contents shall belong to VisitKorea in the event that such agreement has been made between VisitKorea and the contents provider. However, all rights and responsibilities, including copyright, concerning the materials put up through the community and bulletin board and the like shall belong to the member who has put them up, and we shall have the right to put them up in the Service. ② Members shall not use any materials put up on the Service commercially, including processing or selling the information obtained through the Service. Members who intend to use such materials for a non-commercial purpose shall obtain our consent in advance. ③ We shall not be responsible for the contents of materials posted on the Service or transmitted or received by members, or for any consequences arising as a result of the posting, transmission or receipt of such contents. We reserve the right to delete what is put up on the Service in the event of any one of the following: 1. Content intended to tarnish others’ honor or reputation or infringe others’ privacy; 2. Content intended to disturb the public order or long-established social customs; 3. Content that hampers or is feared will hamper stable operation of the Service; 4. Content suspected of being of a criminal nature; 5. Content infringing on our or a third party’s intellectual property right or other rights; 6. Content intended for a commercial purpose, including the advertisement of specific goods; 7. Content associated with an act of tampering with input information; 8. Content not suited to the purpose of the bulletin board, such as cyber-based protest or demonstration; 9. Content in violation of the relevant laws. ④ The members hereby agree that VisitKorea may put limitations on the storage capacity or validity period of the contents stored within My Page and stop the user’s access to or delete My Page if it remains inactive for a certain period of time. Article 14 (Indemnity) ① We shall not be held responsible for our inability to provide the Service in the event of a force majeure situation. ② We shall not be held responsible for any problems with Service use due to a reason for which a member is responsible. ③ We shall not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of any information, materials or facts put up by a member on the Service. ④ We shall not be held responsible for the results of any transactions carried out between members or between a member and a third party on the Service. Article 15 (Court of Competent Jurisdiction) These Terms shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. Should there arise a lawsuit between us and a member over the Service use, it shall be submitted before the court having competent jurisdiction over the area in which the Company’s headquarters is located. Article 16 (Others) Matters not stipulated in these Terms shall follow the relevant law or generally accepted commercial practices. Agree to the gathering of information The VisitKorea website, operated by the Korea Tourism Organization, does not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors to our website. In running and maintaining the website, we collect and process anonymous data (gender, age, nationality, occupation, area of interest) and traffic data (browser type, OS, time and date, IP address, etc.). This information is required when logging into the VisitKorea website. Please note that if you do not consent to the collection of this data, you will have limited access to VisitKorea services which require a sign-in. Done Cancel
close Enter your personal information from the list below. Field of Interest ※Pick at least three fields of interest. Health Medicine Beauty Shopping Accommodations Food Transportation Culture History / Tradition Urban travel Nature Festivals / Performances / Events Leisure / Sports Entertainment / Arts Theme parks Pets Hallyu Vacation Done Cancel
| Official Korea Tourism Organization Contents SNS LOGIN Interactive Map SITEMAP Language 日本語 中文(简体) 中文(繁體) Français Español Deutsch Pусский ภาษาไทย Bahasa Indonesia Tiếng Việt عربي 한국어 GO GNB menu Open Search box Show Serach Box Hide Search Visit KOREA Instagram Visit KOREA Twitter Visit KOREA Facebook Visit KOREA Youtube Findus on Interactive Map GNB menu Open Search box Show Aside area Closed Weather 03-12-2025 Seoul/Gyeonggi-do/Incheon °C F Temperatures high°C low°C SNS LOGIN ExchangeRates TravelCalendar Language 日本語 中文(简体) 中文(繁體) Français Español Deutsch Pусский ภาษาไทย Bahasa Indonesia Tiếng Việt عربي Turkce 한국어 Moblie Menu Closed Attractions Attractions Inssa Korea Travel Highlights I'm VK Writer Themed Travel Ganghwado Island Storytelling Medical Tourism Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Tours Jeju Olle Trail Tourist Trains City Tours Templestay Nightlife in Korea Performing Arts Tourism Traditional Activities & Programs Beauty & Wellness Subway Tours Ski & Snow Muslim-friendly Travel Industrial Tours Business Events UNESCO World Heritages Introduction Cultural Heritage Sites Natural Heritage Sites Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List Memory of the World Register Events Festivals Performances Others K-Style Hub Overview Tourist Information Center Korean Culinary Culture Exhibition Hall Korean Cuisine Culture Center Regional Tourism Experience Hall Directions Hallyu Tourism Permanent Experience Centers Filming Locations Korea Quality Travel Travel Travel Basics Public Holidays Business Hours Korean Currency & Exchange Info Electricity & Communications Emergency Situations Arrivals Information Visa Immigration Prohibited & Restricted Items Animal/Plant Quarantines Travelers' Resources 1330 Travel Hotline & Complaint Center Tourist Information Centers Tourist Police E-Books Tour Packages Pathfinder 100 Must-Visit Tourist Spots in Korea Suggested Itineraries Destinations by Region Travel Calendar Transportation Transportation Flights From/to the Airport From Incheon Airport to Seoul From Seoul to Incheon Airport Ferries International Ferry Terminal Ferry to Jeju Trains Buses City Buses Express & Intercity Buses Subways Taxis Useful Tips Transportation Cards Exclusive Tourist Cards Railroad Passes Rental Cars Transit Tours Walkthrough Videos Regional Guide Accommodations Accommodations Korea Quality Korea Quality Travelogues search BENIKEA Hotels Hotel Classifications Hotel Tax Refund Search Hotels Search Food Food Introduction General Kinds of Korean Food Ingredients of Korean Food Food Story What to Eat Kimchi Bibimbap Royal Cuisine Traditional Liquors & Wines Popular Snacks Where to Eat Restaurant Search Special Diets Must-Eats in Korea How to Cook Learning the Basics Recipes Recommended Food Columns Shopping Shopping Introduction Duty Free & Tax Refunds Tips & Information Where to Shop Duty Free Shops Tax Refund shops Department Stores Outlet Malls Marts & General Stores Flea & Free Markets Traditional Markets Underground Shopping Malls Korea Quality Search Shops What to Buy Food Items Fashion Items Household goods Traditional Items Recommended Shopping Columns Discount Coupons Smart Shopping Pass About Korea About Korea General Information Korea Facts Time Difference Culture Hangeul (Korean Alphabet) Language Programs in Korea Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) Traditional Korean Clothes Traditional Korean Food Traditional Korean Houses Traditional Korean Music International Film Festivals Korea in Focus Tourism Commercials Korean Culture-Related Video Clips Korea in Images Travel News Tours & Activities Tours & Activities Things To Do K-POP Recommended Trips Promotional Events KTO Overseas Offices KTO Overseas Offices USA Intro About USA Branch Offices Toronto Intro About Toronto Office Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Sydney Intro About Sydney Office London Intro About London Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Kuala Lumpur Intro About KL Office What's Happening Entry for Korea Korea Plaza Travel Agencies Singapore Intro About Singapore Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea WAH! Korea Club Travel Agencies New Delhi Intro About NewDelhi office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Manila Intro About Manila Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Interactive Map close Sign in as a member Link one of the following accounts to sign in as a VisitKorea member Google Facebook close Notice on Gathering Information I hereby agree to the Terms. Chapter I General Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these Terms is to set out the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Korea Tourism Organization and those of the users, and other necessary matters concerning the use of the VisitKorea service ("the Service") provided by the Korea Tourism Organization (“us” or “we,” as the case may be). Article 2 (Effectuation) ① These Terms shall take effect upon our posting a notice of such on the service screen and upon the member’s consenting to them. ② We may amend these Terms in such a way that does not violate the relevant laws (i.e. The Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act; The Telecommunications Business Act; The Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc; The Personal Information Protection Act). ③ In the event of our making an amendment to these Terms, we shall put up a public notice concerning the existing Terms, the amended Terms, the date of application of the amended Terms, and the reason for such amendment on our service homepage for a considerable period of time from 7 days before the application, or for a considerable period of time from 30 days before the application if the amended contents are disadvantageous to members. ④ If a member does not express his/her non-acceptance of the amended Terms within 7 days of the implementation of the amended Terms despite such statement included in our notice of the amended Terms as stated in the foregoing ③, then it shall be deemed that the relevant member has approved the amended Terms. A member’s non-acceptance of the amended Terms may result in termination of the Service use contract under Article 6, Paragraph ① herein. Article 3 (Definitions) The following terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings: ① “Users” refers to persons who use the Service regardless of their membership status. ② “Member” refers to an individual, corporation, or an organization similar to it who has signed a Service use contract with us.. ③ “Non-member” refers to persons who use the Service without signing up for membership.. ④ "Termination” refers to an act of putting a stop to the use of the Service either by the Company or by a member. Chapter II Membership Article 4 (Membership Application) A user may apply for membership online by filling in the sign up form provided by us and expressing his/her consent to these Terms, which shall be approved by us. Article 5 (Change of Member Information) Members may check and edit their member information kept by us at any time through the membership information management screen. Article 6 (Membership Withdrawal and Restriction on Service Use) ① In the event of a member’s withdrawal of his/her Service use contract, we shall delete his/her membership information kept by us under the relevant laws. Those wishing to reapply for membership shall follow the procedure anew. If one of the following is the case, we may suspend the membership status of the person concerned temporarily and refuse to approve his/her reapplication for membership. 1. Provision of false information at the time of membership application; 2. Disturbance of the order in electronic transactions, including hampering others’ use of the Service or fraudulent use of the relevant information; 3. Perpetration of any act intended to disturb the Service, including tampering with the information provided through the Service; 4. Defamation of a specific individual, organization or country, thus causing diplomatic friction; 5. Perpetration of any act prohibited by the law or these Terms or an act that goes against long-established social customs; 6. Violation of Article 11 or 12. ② We reserve the right to withdraw the member’s membership if the person concerned fails to take remedial action after we suspend his/her membership temporarily. Chapter III Service Use Article 7 (Types of Service) The Service shall be divided into the Basic Service and the Ancillary Service, whose respective details shall be fixed separately. Article 8 (Service Hours) ① We shall provide the Service around the clock, except when there is a need to suspend or stop the Service either partially or wholly due to an operational or technological problem, in which case we shall inform the users thereof in advance. ② We may split the Service into certain categories and set the Service hours for each category. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Article 9 (Service Discontinuity) We may change or stop the whole or part of the Service for business/operational/ technical reasons. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Chapter IV Obligations and Responsibilities Article 10 (Our Obligation) ① We shall do our best to provide the Service stably and uninterruptedly and shall not engage in any acts prohibited in these Terms or any acts which violate long-established social customs. ② We shall handle members’ complaints about the Service without delay. When it is difficult to handle a complaint immediately, we shall explain the situation to the member, along with the timetable for its handling. Article 11 (Members’ Obligations) Members shall not engage in the following acts: ① Provision of false information at the time of application; ② Fraudulent use of information on others; ③ Unauthorized tampering with the information provided by us; ④ Transmission or putting up of information, such as computer programs, other than what is provided by us through the Service; ⑤ Infringement of the Company’s or a third party’s intellectual property rights; ⑥ Any act that tarnishes our or a third party’s reputation or disturbs our or a third party’s business; ⑦ Use of obscene or violent messages, images, or voice, or putting up of information that violates long-established social customs on the Service; ⑧ Use of the Service for commercial purposes without our prior consent; ⑨ Other illegal or unjust acts. Article 12 (No Transfer) Members shall not transfer their right to use the Service or their status related to the Service use contract to a third party; nor shall they offer what is stated in the foregoing sentence as collateral. Article 13 (Rights and Responsibilities concerning Contents Used in the Service) ① All rights for the relevant contents shall belong to VisitKorea in the event that such agreement has been made between VisitKorea and the contents provider. However, all rights and responsibilities, including copyright, concerning the materials put up through the community and bulletin board and the like shall belong to the member who has put them up, and we shall have the right to put them up in the Service. ② Members shall not use any materials put up on the Service commercially, including processing or selling the information obtained through the Service. Members who intend to use such materials for a non-commercial purpose shall obtain our consent in advance. ③ We shall not be responsible for the contents of materials posted on the Service or transmitted or received by members, or for any consequences arising as a result of the posting, transmission or receipt of such contents. We reserve the right to delete what is put up on the Service in the event of any one of the following: 1. Content intended to tarnish others’ honor or reputation or infringe others’ privacy; 2. Content intended to disturb the public order or long-established social customs; 3. Content that hampers or is feared will hamper stable operation of the Service; 4. Content suspected of being of a criminal nature; 5. Content infringing on our or a third party’s intellectual property right or other rights; 6. Content intended for a commercial purpose, including the advertisement of specific goods; 7. Content associated with an act of tampering with input information; 8. Content not suited to the purpose of the bulletin board, such as cyber-based protest or demonstration; 9. Content in violation of the relevant laws. ④ The members hereby agree that VisitKorea may put limitations on the storage capacity or validity period of the contents stored within My Page and stop the user’s access to or delete My Page if it remains inactive for a certain period of time. Article 14 (Indemnity) ① We shall not be held responsible for our inability to provide the Service in the event of a force majeure situation. ② We shall not be held responsible for any problems with Service use due to a reason for which a member is responsible. ③ We shall not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of any information, materials or facts put up by a member on the Service. ④ We shall not be held responsible for the results of any transactions carried out between members or between a member and a third party on the Service. Article 15 (Court of Competent Jurisdiction) These Terms shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. Should there arise a lawsuit between us and a member over the Service use, it shall be submitted before the court having competent jurisdiction over the area in which the Company’s headquarters is located. Article 16 (Others) Matters not stipulated in these Terms shall follow the relevant law or generally accepted commercial practices. Agree to the gathering of information The VisitKorea website, operated by the Korea Tourism Organization, does not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors to our website. In running and maintaining the website, we collect and process anonymous data (gender, age, nationality, occupation, area of interest) and traffic data (browser type, OS, time and date, IP address, etc.). This information is required when logging into the VisitKorea website. Please note that if you do not consent to the collection of this data, you will have limited access to VisitKorea services which require a sign-in. Done Cancel close Enter your personal information from the list below. Field of Interest ※Pick at least three fields of interest. Health Medicine Beauty Shopping Accommodations Food Transportation Culture History / Tradition Urban travel Nature Festivals / Performances / Events Leisure / Sports Entertainment / Arts Theme parks Pets Hallyu Vacation Done Cancel KTO Overseas Offices USA open sub-menu Intro About USA Branch Offices Toronto open sub-menu Intro About Toronto Office Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Sydney open sub-menu Intro About Sydney Office London open sub-menu Intro About London Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Kuala Lumpur open sub-menu Intro About KL Office What's Happening Entry for Korea Korea Plaza Travel Agencies Singapore open sub-menu Intro About Singapore Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea WAH! Korea Club Join WAH! Korea Club Members’ Benefits WAH! Korea Club News Travel Agencies New Delhi open sub-menu Intro About NewDelhi office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies Manila open sub-menu Intro About Manila Office What's Happening Entry Info for Korea Travel Agencies What's Happening Home KTO Overseas Offices LondonWhat's Happening Print Share |
Aside area Closed Weather 03-12-2025 Seoul/Gyeonggi-do/Incheon °C F Temperatures high°C low°C SNS LOGIN ExchangeRates TravelCalendar
close Sign in as a member Link one of the following accounts to sign in as a VisitKorea member Google Facebook
close Notice on Gathering Information I hereby agree to the Terms. Chapter I General Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these Terms is to set out the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Korea Tourism Organization and those of the users, and other necessary matters concerning the use of the VisitKorea service ("the Service") provided by the Korea Tourism Organization (“us” or “we,” as the case may be). Article 2 (Effectuation) ① These Terms shall take effect upon our posting a notice of such on the service screen and upon the member’s consenting to them. ② We may amend these Terms in such a way that does not violate the relevant laws (i.e. The Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act; The Telecommunications Business Act; The Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc; The Personal Information Protection Act). ③ In the event of our making an amendment to these Terms, we shall put up a public notice concerning the existing Terms, the amended Terms, the date of application of the amended Terms, and the reason for such amendment on our service homepage for a considerable period of time from 7 days before the application, or for a considerable period of time from 30 days before the application if the amended contents are disadvantageous to members. ④ If a member does not express his/her non-acceptance of the amended Terms within 7 days of the implementation of the amended Terms despite such statement included in our notice of the amended Terms as stated in the foregoing ③, then it shall be deemed that the relevant member has approved the amended Terms. A member’s non-acceptance of the amended Terms may result in termination of the Service use contract under Article 6, Paragraph ① herein. Article 3 (Definitions) The following terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings: ① “Users” refers to persons who use the Service regardless of their membership status. ② “Member” refers to an individual, corporation, or an organization similar to it who has signed a Service use contract with us.. ③ “Non-member” refers to persons who use the Service without signing up for membership.. ④ "Termination” refers to an act of putting a stop to the use of the Service either by the Company or by a member. Chapter II Membership Article 4 (Membership Application) A user may apply for membership online by filling in the sign up form provided by us and expressing his/her consent to these Terms, which shall be approved by us. Article 5 (Change of Member Information) Members may check and edit their member information kept by us at any time through the membership information management screen. Article 6 (Membership Withdrawal and Restriction on Service Use) ① In the event of a member’s withdrawal of his/her Service use contract, we shall delete his/her membership information kept by us under the relevant laws. Those wishing to reapply for membership shall follow the procedure anew. If one of the following is the case, we may suspend the membership status of the person concerned temporarily and refuse to approve his/her reapplication for membership. 1. Provision of false information at the time of membership application; 2. Disturbance of the order in electronic transactions, including hampering others’ use of the Service or fraudulent use of the relevant information; 3. Perpetration of any act intended to disturb the Service, including tampering with the information provided through the Service; 4. Defamation of a specific individual, organization or country, thus causing diplomatic friction; 5. Perpetration of any act prohibited by the law or these Terms or an act that goes against long-established social customs; 6. Violation of Article 11 or 12. ② We reserve the right to withdraw the member’s membership if the person concerned fails to take remedial action after we suspend his/her membership temporarily. Chapter III Service Use Article 7 (Types of Service) The Service shall be divided into the Basic Service and the Ancillary Service, whose respective details shall be fixed separately. Article 8 (Service Hours) ① We shall provide the Service around the clock, except when there is a need to suspend or stop the Service either partially or wholly due to an operational or technological problem, in which case we shall inform the users thereof in advance. ② We may split the Service into certain categories and set the Service hours for each category. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Article 9 (Service Discontinuity) We may change or stop the whole or part of the Service for business/operational/ technical reasons. In such a case, we shall provide the details thereof in advance. Chapter IV Obligations and Responsibilities Article 10 (Our Obligation) ① We shall do our best to provide the Service stably and uninterruptedly and shall not engage in any acts prohibited in these Terms or any acts which violate long-established social customs. ② We shall handle members’ complaints about the Service without delay. When it is difficult to handle a complaint immediately, we shall explain the situation to the member, along with the timetable for its handling. Article 11 (Members’ Obligations) Members shall not engage in the following acts: ① Provision of false information at the time of application; ② Fraudulent use of information on others; ③ Unauthorized tampering with the information provided by us; ④ Transmission or putting up of information, such as computer programs, other than what is provided by us through the Service; ⑤ Infringement of the Company’s or a third party’s intellectual property rights; ⑥ Any act that tarnishes our or a third party’s reputation or disturbs our or a third party’s business; ⑦ Use of obscene or violent messages, images, or voice, or putting up of information that violates long-established social customs on the Service; ⑧ Use of the Service for commercial purposes without our prior consent; ⑨ Other illegal or unjust acts. Article 12 (No Transfer) Members shall not transfer their right to use the Service or their status related to the Service use contract to a third party; nor shall they offer what is stated in the foregoing sentence as collateral. Article 13 (Rights and Responsibilities concerning Contents Used in the Service) ① All rights for the relevant contents shall belong to VisitKorea in the event that such agreement has been made between VisitKorea and the contents provider. However, all rights and responsibilities, including copyright, concerning the materials put up through the community and bulletin board and the like shall belong to the member who has put them up, and we shall have the right to put them up in the Service. ② Members shall not use any materials put up on the Service commercially, including processing or selling the information obtained through the Service. Members who intend to use such materials for a non-commercial purpose shall obtain our consent in advance. ③ We shall not be responsible for the contents of materials posted on the Service or transmitted or received by members, or for any consequences arising as a result of the posting, transmission or receipt of such contents. We reserve the right to delete what is put up on the Service in the event of any one of the following: 1. Content intended to tarnish others’ honor or reputation or infringe others’ privacy; 2. Content intended to disturb the public order or long-established social customs; 3. Content that hampers or is feared will hamper stable operation of the Service; 4. Content suspected of being of a criminal nature; 5. Content infringing on our or a third party’s intellectual property right or other rights; 6. Content intended for a commercial purpose, including the advertisement of specific goods; 7. Content associated with an act of tampering with input information; 8. Content not suited to the purpose of the bulletin board, such as cyber-based protest or demonstration; 9. Content in violation of the relevant laws. ④ The members hereby agree that VisitKorea may put limitations on the storage capacity or validity period of the contents stored within My Page and stop the user’s access to or delete My Page if it remains inactive for a certain period of time. Article 14 (Indemnity) ① We shall not be held responsible for our inability to provide the Service in the event of a force majeure situation. ② We shall not be held responsible for any problems with Service use due to a reason for which a member is responsible. ③ We shall not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of any information, materials or facts put up by a member on the Service. ④ We shall not be held responsible for the results of any transactions carried out between members or between a member and a third party on the Service. Article 15 (Court of Competent Jurisdiction) These Terms shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. Should there arise a lawsuit between us and a member over the Service use, it shall be submitted before the court having competent jurisdiction over the area in which the Company’s headquarters is located. Article 16 (Others) Matters not stipulated in these Terms shall follow the relevant law or generally accepted commercial practices. Agree to the gathering of information The VisitKorea website, operated by the Korea Tourism Organization, does not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors to our website. In running and maintaining the website, we collect and process anonymous data (gender, age, nationality, occupation, area of interest) and traffic data (browser type, OS, time and date, IP address, etc.). This information is required when logging into the VisitKorea website. Please note that if you do not consent to the collection of this data, you will have limited access to VisitKorea services which require a sign-in. Done Cancel
close Enter your personal information from the list below. Field of Interest ※Pick at least three fields of interest. Health Medicine Beauty Shopping Accommodations Food Transportation Culture History / Tradition Urban travel Nature Festivals / Performances / Events Leisure / Sports Entertainment / Arts Theme parks Pets Hallyu Vacation Done Cancel