Korean Currency
Korea's official monetary unit is the won.
fifty thousand won
ten thousand won
five thousand won
one thousand won
five hundred won
one hundred won
fifty won
ten won
Traveler’s Check
Traveler's checks can be exchanged for cash at banks or exchange booths. A number of stores still accept the checks instead cash. Nonetheless, the forms of credit cards and debit cards have become a more preferred means of payment by travelers. Thus trading checks is hardly observed nowadays as there is seemingly a decreasing number of stores that offer this service.
Credit Card
Most of the businesses in Korea widely use and accept payment by credit cards, including at major hotels, department stores, and general shops. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and other credit cards can be used; however check the service availability before making purchases as some stores may not provide this service.
Money Exchange
When you need to exchange your foreign currency into Korean won, visit a bank or authorized exchange service center. Banks are generally open 09:00-16:00 on weekdays, with exceptions to certain banks that operate 09:30-16:30 such as EVERRICH Bank. Please be aware that money exchange of old currency may not be accepted at certain locations. Make sure to check if banks or authorized exchange service centers accept old currency beforehand.
Currency Converter
www.xe.com/currencyconverter (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Arabic)
Foreign Exchange Banks in Airports
Incheon International Airport
Upon arrival, inbound travelers can easily convert their money into the local currency at bank branches and money exchangers located within the airport. The hours and locations vary by bank, so we recommend checking in advance; the standard hours of money exchangers are 06:00-21:00 but some locations may operate until 22:00 or 24:00.
* Incheon International Airport bank page: www.airport.kr (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Shinhan Bank – Incheon International Airport Branch
- Services provided: General banking, currency exchange, traveler's checks, etc.
- Operating hours
Passenger Terminal 1 & 2: 09:00-16:00 (Closed weekends & public holidays)
- Locations
Passenger Terminal 1: B1F, Transportation Center East Wing
Passenger Terminal 2: B1, West Wing
- Inquiries
Passenger Terminal 1: +82-32-743-5100 (Korean, English, Japanese)
Passenger Terminal 2: +82-32-226-5100 (Korean, English, Japanese)
- Website: www.shinhan.com (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
KEB Hana Bank – Incheon International Airport Branch
Woori Bank – Incheon International Airport Branch
Gimpo International Airport
Upon arrival or before departure, travelers may exchange their currency and take care of other banking needs at the booths available at the airport. The hours and locations vary by bank, so we recommend checking in advance; the standard hours of money exchangers are 06:00-19:30 but some locations may operate until 21:30 or 23:30.
* Gimpo International Airport bank page: www.airport.co.kr/gimpo (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Shinhan Bank – Gimpo International Airport Branch
- Services provided: General banking, currency exchange, traveler's checks, etc.
- Operating hours: 09:00-16:00 (Closed weekends & public holidays)
- Location: Domestic Terminal 1F, located on the right of Arrival Gate
- Inquiries: +82-2-2662-1342 (Korean, English)
- Website: www.shinhan.com (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Woori Bank – Gimpo International Airport Branch
- Services provided: General banking, currency exchange, traveler's checks, etc.
- Operating hours: 09:00-16:00 (Closed weekends & public holidays)
- Location: International Terminal 1F, located on the left of Arrival Gate
- Inquiries: +82-2-2667-0236 (Korean only)
- Website: www.wooribank.com (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Mongolian)
Information courtesy of Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport
This page was last updated on July 20, 2020, and therefore information may differ from what is presented here.