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Chelsea Flower Show awards ‘DMZ Forbidden Garden’ a gold medal award

  • Date05/23/2012
  • Hit12774

‘Quiet Time: DMZ Forbidden Garden’ – has won a gold medal award at this year’s ‘Chelsea Flower Show’ and was created to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean conflict.

The DMZ is a 155 mile cease-fire line separating North and South Korea and is located just 50 minutes from Seoul. It is an untouched and unique environment that provides visitors to Korea with a truly unique excursion that is both educational and fascinating. Around the DMZ area are a number of landmarks: Dorasan Station; the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, Mt. Dorosan Observatory and Panmunjeom the site where the armistice agreement was signed ending the Korean War in 1953

An extract from the RHS Chelsea Flower Show website describing the garden:

This garden makes use of the vast treasure trove of indigenous plants that have thrived in the almost pristine conditions in the sanctuary of the demilitarized zone (DMZ). The design highlights the tensions and lasting effects of the conflict.

The barbed wire fence surrounding the garden creates a feeling of mystery and unease. Carefully considered installations feature the remains of warfare, including defensive walls, trenches and charred trees. The fence is hung with cans and bottles containing letters from separated families and friends to illustrate the sense of longing felt by people kept apart by the conflict.

The watch tower reminds visitors of the surveillance of the DMZ and also provides an observation point for the garden. A memorial chair commemorates war veterans and victims. A stream flows through the garden, defying the barriers of human conflict and depicting the feelings of love and tension that the designer believes co-exist in the DMZ”

For more information about visiting the DMZ go to:



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For further information please contact:         
Mr. Ramy Salameh

Tel: 020 7321 2535

Email: london@gokorea.co.uk