What's Happening

Combine a homestay in Korea with Korean language classes

  • Date06/19/2013
  • Hit12197

The Korea Tourism organisation has launched a trip to Korea combining a homestay (with a Korean family) and a course learning Korean in conjunction with Kyung Hee University.


Called the “Fun Korea Lesson Trip”, it is priced at 600,000KRW (approx £340) excluding flights, for six nights including breakfast.


Also included is a choice of a Korean cookery lesson or a $20 Korea pass, a 10,000KRW (approx £5) voucher to use in selected shops or restaurants and the first 10 people booking on specified dates will receive a free ticket to watch the filming of a Korean K-Pop TV programme.


See www.GoKorea.co.uk




For further information please contact

Michael A. Michael

020 7321 2535
